Famous people express their thoughts on Kosova’s Independence

(April Fools day, don’t take it seriously)

Einstein: “Precedent? That is relative when it comes to Kosova”

Sir Isaac Newton: “A second apple fell on my head when I heard about Kosova. It makes perfect sense now”

Archimedes: “I was running and yelling Eureka. Then I saw someone already thought of it, independence was the only way”

Amelia Earhart: “Happy to know that Kosova can fly alone”

Confucius: “a happy people, leads to a happy state”

Leonardo Da Vinci: “oh look, they cracked the code”

Copernicus: “…maybe I was wrong. It is not the Sun”

Benjamin Franklin: “Euros? I just wish they used the Benjamins (dollars), that would be cool”

Mendeleev: “I always knew there is a place for the KS element in my table”

Marie Curie: “I wish I could give Kosova the gift of Kosovanium”

Steve Jobs: “I present to you, a state, a democracy, and European: iKosova”

Bill Gates: “I might have been wrong about how much RAM people will need in the future, but I always said, Kosova will be a-okey. I hear they have some excellent .NET programmers”

Sergei Brin to Larry Page (Google guys): “Why isn’t Google Maps updated already?”

Linus Torvalds: “Kosova will be an _open_ society, and one that uses open source and Linux. I hear they have some _excellent_ programmers

Pink Floyd: “Wish we were there”

Darth Vader: “it is no precedent, the situation in Kosova is completely different from that of rebel planets”

Yoda: “Thaçi, the Force is strong with that one. Great things I see for Kosova. Bright is the future of the republic. Kosova, may the Force be with you”

Nicola Tesla: “I am drooling when I think of all the electricity that will be produced by this small country ”

Steven Spielberg: “I can see a movie coming…”

Martin Scorsese: “I can see a movie coming…”

Quentin Tarantino: “…I need the soundtrack before the movie. But yes, I can see a movie coming…”

Enjoy April Fools day…we are.
Best wishes from Kosova and beyond…