100 days of Republic of Kosova

Today is 100 days since the Republic of Kosova was born. Although at times the climate was rough, until now it has been smooth sailing. The newborn state of Europe which has to date been recognized by 41 countries, is acquiring international support and has faced difficulties only to overcome them.

These 100 days have proven the pessimists wrong. Some claimed our independence to be a precedent, yet this has failed to materialize. Others predicted the failure of law and order and rule of chaos. Again, this too has been far from the reality on the ground.

For a country that is 100 days old, with a people that have gone through a lot, but who show such enthusiasm for change, progress and future, we can say confidently that Republic of Kosova is on the right track.

Problems exist. The state is being built bit by bit. It is a hard and daunting task. But in the face of this all, we can be sure that the next 100 days will only bring improvements.